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Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike with 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride


  • 紹介

OUXI V6 16インチ電動自転車には、オプションの10AHまたは15AH容量を提供する堅牢な48Vバッテリーシステムが付属しています。15AHバリアントは、高度な21700セルを使用し、最大走行距離を70kmに延長します。強力な250Wモーターを搭載し、122で展開します49108cm、重量は正味21kg、総重量は30.5KGです。V6は、最大150kgの積載量をサポートします。フロントとリアのデュアルディスクブレーキが安全性を確保し、フロントとリアの両方のサスペンションが快適な乗り心地を保証します。速度はアプリで調整でき、ギア1は15km/h、ギア2は20km/h、ギア3は25km/hの3つのギアを備えています。16インチx2.125インチのホイールを搭載し、汎用性の高い42V AC100-240V充電器が含まれています。≤30°の傾斜を登ることができるこのモデルは、優れたパフォーマンスを提供します。

バッテリー容量48V 10AH / 15AHオプション、
(15ah battery is made with 21700 battery cells)
15AH can go 70km max.
モーターパワーV6 250W
展開サイズ122 * 49 * 108CM
総重量V6 - 30.5KG
(can be adjusted through APP)
ギア1、15km / h
Gear 2, 20km/h
Gear 3, V5 - 25km/h; V6 - 25km/h
ホイールサイズV5 - 14インチ*2.0インチ;
V6 - 16''*2.125''
充電器42V AC100-240V
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride manufacture
Advanced OUXI V6 Electric Bike 48V Battery, Powerful Motor, and Comfortable Ride supplier

