Revolutionize Your Ride: Premium Electric Bicycles

Revolucionirajte svoju vožnju: Premium električni bicikli

Osigurač stil sa snagom u našim elegantnim, modernim dizajnom električnih bicikala. Istaknite se u gomili sa inovativnom biciklističkom tehnologijom.

Q8 Electric Bike with Pedal Assist System Urban Commuter's Dream

Premium OUXI X8 Folding Electric Bike Lightweight and Versatile Urban Adventure Companion

Powerful OUXI H9 Electric Bicycle Off-Road Performance and Versatility

Robust OUXI V8 Single Battery Electric Bicycle Enhanced Performance and Extended Range

OUXI Electric Bicycle Technology: Setting New Standards in the Industry

OUKSI Električni bicikl Tehnologija: Postavljanje novih standarda u industriji

OUKSI je lider u industriji električnih bicikala sa naprednom opremom, alatima i disciplinovanom proizvodnjom.

The company’s exclusive motor technology has high-torque and quietness that makes it feel almost effortless to ride. These bikes have an advanced battery management system to ensure the best charging and discharging cycles which in turn extends their battery life.

Moreover, OUXI electric bicycles incorporate intelligent connectivity features such as customizable settings, firmware updates, and maintenance alerts. This digital integration has put OUXI on the cutting edge of tomorrow's e-bikes.

OUXI Electric Bicycles: Empowering Sustainable Mobility for All Ages

OUKSI električni bicikli: Osnaživanje održive mobilnosti za sve uzraste

OUKSI električni bicikli su napravljeni za širok spektar ljudi, premošćavanje jaz starosti i fizičke sposobnosti.

OXUI e-bikes are convenient for retirees and those with mobility problems because they have an easy-to-use gentle pedal-assist feature. The seat height is adjustable to fit any size and handlebars can be modified to one’s liking.

Additionally, some OUXI models are designed for young people with parental speed control or other child-friendly designs which teach them about sustainable transportation from their tender ages. With this, OUXI electric bicycles then present a real green mobility solution in line for families at large.

OUXI Electric Bicycles: Leading the Charge in Eco-Friendly Commuting

OUKSI električni bicikli: Vodeći punjenje u ekološkom putovanju

Razlog zašto su OUKSI električni bicikli prepoznatljivi na tržištu je zbog njihove ekološki osviještene konstrukcije i razvoja visoke tehnologije.

OUXI e-bikes have strong but low-power motors that minimize carbon release for a sustainable means of commuting. Lithium-ion batteries, which run for long distances on each charge, make it possible to navigate through both rural and city-based landscapes comfortably.

In addition, OUXI’s smart pedal-assist system adjusts automatically whenever the cyclist peddles thus saving on human energy while still running very well. For instance, responsive brake systems and bright LED lights contribute to a secure and enjoyable ride during day or night time hours.

OUXI Electric Bicycles: Enhancing Outdoor Recreation and Lifestyle

OUKSI električni bicikli: poboljšanje rekreacije i načina života na otvorenom

OUKSI e-bicikli, pored toga što je praktičan, su svestrani drugari ljubitelja slobodnog vremena i avanture.
OUXI electric bicycles are designed with big tires and heavy suspensions that will enable them conquer all sorts of terrains. This way off-road activities and exploring the countryside become possible for everyone. The seats are very comfortable while you can set its riding modes to fit your fitness level.

Another thing is that OUXI e-bikes encourage good health care as well as live sustainably. There is a choice between manual pedaling when you feel like having a work out or having a lazy ride in assist mode thus exercise becomes recreation. Through this, one gets more active enabling an eco-friendly life style .

OUXI Partners with Global Retailers to Expand International Distribution Network


OUXI Bags Annual Green Transportation Innovation Award


OUXI Unveils Next-gen V8 Electric Bicycles


Mogu li električni bicikli biti sklopivi radi lakšeg skladištenja i transporta?

Neki od naših modela su dizajnirani da budu sklopivi, nudeći jednostavno skladištenje i prenosivost.

Mogu li se električni bicikli koristiti i za putovanje i za off-road svrhe?

Dok su naši bicikli su svestrani, važno je da izaberete model dizajniran za specifičan teren nameravate da ga koristite na.

Možete li dati detaljna uputstva za montažu električnih bicikala?

Da, jasna i sveobuhvatna uputstva za montažu su uključeni u svaku jedinicu, a korisnička podrška je dostupna za sve upite.

Da li postoje različiti materijali okvira dostupni za vaše električne bicikle?

Da, pružamo okvire napravljene od aluminijuma i karbonskih vlakana, u zavisnosti od modela koji izaberete.

Kako da postavim masovnu porudžbinu i koje su prednosti?

Možete direktno kontaktirati naš prodajni tim kako biste razgovarali o masovnim porudžbinama, a pogodnosti mogu uključivati popuste i prilagođene opcije brendiranja.

Koliki je domet baterije na punom punjenju za vaše električne bicikle?

Naša baterija za električni bicikl može da putuje 40-60 kilometara sa jednim punjenjem.
